This list includes only actively licensed individuals
and organizations. It does not include banking institutions,
such as national banks, credit unions, etc. For a list of these
institutions, see our list of
New Jersey
Financial Institutions
You can search conditionally approved Residential Mortgage Lenders and Mortgage Originators
through the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) consumer access page.
For an Insurance Licensee
(Producer, Public Adjuster, Viatical Settlement Broker), a Certification of License Status
(active Licensees) can be produced by clicking on the Status of the Licensee.
For a list of insurance companies, see our list of
Insurance Carriers.
For an Active Real Estate Employer
(Corporation, Partnership, Employing Broker), a list of their active Employees may be
generated by clicking on the Employer's Name. The Education Bureau maintains a list of
Real Estate Schools.